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Case Study – Small Medium Enterprise Digital Transformation
A recent report published by SME Corporation of Malaysia (SME Corp) – “Accelerating Malaysian Digital SMEs; Escaping the Computerization Trap”, it was noted that Malaysian SMEs have a strong aspiration to grow and innovate new products and services, but in order to achieve this, SMEs will need to leverage on the capabilities of ICT in Malaysia. However, embracing ICT to SMEs is not so straight forward, because in the same study, several challenges shown below act as the inhibitors towards this aspiration.
This was the same conundrum faced by an upcoming Engineering Services company. They approached Cloudspace after speaking to several other companies, where they were looking for a partner to assist and advise them on their digital transformation and provide a cost-effective solution rather than attempt to sell them hardware and software.

The Cloudspace team spent some time with the customer, understanding the issues faced and identifying their short and long-term goals to allow them to achieve their digital transformation.

From the discussion, the initial short-term goal was to improve their email solutions and the major challenges they faced were:

  • Their calendars were always out of synchronization. This led to missed appointments, non- tracking ability of staff vacation, and non-updates of events on their mobile devices, etc.
  • Customer also observed that their emails were always getting blocked and they were constantly receiving SPAM emails.
  • Financing 49% 49%
  • Employee Skillset 48% 48%
  • Technology 48% 48%
  • Business Planning or Strategy 46% 46%
  • Networking 40% 40%
  • Regulatory 24% 24%
  • Do Not Need Assistance 10% 10%
As a solution, we migrated their emails and hosted them on the Cloudspace Hosted Exchange platform to improve their email, calendaring and collaboration reliability. Cloudspace uses multiple layers of email security and monitors emails deliverability seriously. Once migrated, the customer observed post migration, the email deliverability and reputation increase drastically issue with email spam dropping significantly.

The customer handles a lot of documents and preferred for this to be stored centrally. As a solution, Cloudspace provided the customer with a centralized server, which is fully managed by Cloudspace. The server was also deployed with two levels of backup – first level backup is to a local device and the second level backup was to the Cloudspace Cloud backup servers.

As part of their transformation, the customer invested in a Human Resource (HR) Solution. Cloudspace in collaboration with the HR solution helped deploy the HR solution on to a Cloudspace Cloud Server inclusive of all necessary auxiliary software to support the HR solution (the HR vendor only provided the HR software). The customer opted not to deploy this in an in-house server because they did not want to invest money in resources to manage the server and software for the HR solution including the backup.

To ensure security, access to the HR solution, would only be from the premises to the Cloudspace cloud server through a site-to-site VPN between the customer location and Cloudspace Cloud Server. By partnering with Cloudspace, and using the Cloudspace Cloud Server, the customer did not need to make any investment, they were operational very quickly, the Cloud Server was backed daily through replication and it was full managed service.

As the customer’s operation continued to grow, and they expanded their operations to other sites. Cloudspace assisted the customer by providing a managed Site-to-Site VPN network solution which allowed them to connect their offices together and have access to the services.

The customer also invested in an ERP solution. Cloudspace assisted the customers by providing them with a Cloudspace Cloud Server, inclusive of all the necessary software such as Microsoft SQL Server Licenses.

In summary, the customer experienced after their digital transformation:

  • A robust and valuable email solutions which also supports up to seven (7) days email recovery.
  • A managed server with two levels of backup solution.
  • A managed secure network that provides connectivity between their offices and the services.
  • Access to managed servers and software for their applications.

The customer did not have to invest for any of the above, instead they signed a lease service with Cloudspace which is billed monthly. With this model, the customer has been able to digitally transform themselves with access to technology and IT expertise (they do not employ any IT staff) using a very cost-effective method.

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